WAMS Olympia lost a valuable member on December 7th. Jerry Sprengel died of complications after undergoing heart surgery. We will all miss his giving spirit, and unfailing optimism.(there is an obituary in the January Newsletter on the Newsletter Page)
Our December Christmas party was well attended and everyone had a great time eating the good food and opening gifts.
The new year is upon us and it is never to early to start thinking about Field trips, and shows. I have updated the Shows page to reflect next years shows, and as soon as the Mineral Council updates their website with a new Field Trip schedule, I will update our page.
There are some places that are open and accessible during the middle of winter for trips. Ocean Shores is known for carnelian agate washing up on the beach. Porter has some fossils. Olympic Peninsula beaches have fossils, agates, and jaspers. Most of these places are usually free of snow. Unfortunately the rivers and creeks are usually running pretty full of water and so the opportunities there are more limited, but one can always try.
Hope to see you at our January meeting.