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Home » November Rock Club meeting will be on “ZOOM”

November Rock Club meeting will be on “ZOOM”

If you are new to the club or are interested in joining please contact M.J. Heuter at 360-352-9702. He should be able to make arrangements for you to attend our “zoom” meeting or join our club.

We will have a Zoom based Rock Club meeting beginning at 7 PM on Tuesday, November 2.   We will not have an “in person” meeting at the church.

Cherry Pedrick has graciously offered to host the Zoom meeting.  She will be sending all of you a message that includes the internet link and password for the meeting.

We still have a ways to go before we can safely meet together.  With the majority of person vaccinated and many of our members having had a booster Covid shot by December, we may be able to meet again. 

Question:  Do we want to have our Xmas party this year?    I will be asking for opinions at the Zoom meeting or you can send me a message replying to this meeting notice.

Our December meeting each year has been a gift exchange and snack party where we bring a cheap present that would be good for a kid member or an adult rock hound.  Presents are arranged on a table by not labeled  as to or from  anyone.   There is a process for picking presents.  Members bring snacks, like cookies, cake, cheese, crackers, chips, candy, etc.  for others to enjoy.  The Club provides coffee and soft drinks or juice.

I hope that all of you are well and keeping safe.  It has been a year and almost nine months since we first heard about Covid.  This plague has turned the entire world upside down.  The only historic parallels are the Medieval Black Plague in Europe and the world-wide Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1921.  Everyone is tired of having to live in isolation, apart from family and friends.   But in time this will be behind us; we just need to be patient.

I know that Zoom meetings are not the same as meetings where we can more freely interact with one another.  I sense that all of us would like to be able to get together and share conversations.  One of the joys  of rock hounding is show others the treasures we have found or made.  Sometimes it is a simple as polishing away the dull coating to reveal the beauty of the interior of a rock.  For others it is the beautiful picture revealed only by cutting or slabbing  a geode or agate.  All of us appreciate the artistic abilities of some members who make jewelry or decorative items from the rocks they find, and we enjoy learning from those who take the time to explain  how the rocks we discover were made by Mother Nature.  In time, we will get back to all of this, some sunny day.

Take Care, and see you on Zoom next week.

Jim Thomas