- December 2021 Meeting
I have not heard back from many of you saying that you want to have the annual December Christmas Party meeting. I have heard from some members that have said they will not attend for a variety of reasons, including their wish to avoid potential exposure to one or more of the Covid variants. One member has suggested having the meeting outdoors, weather, daylight and other members willing. I, like some of you, want to limit possible exposure to the virus in order to be able to spend Christmas with my family. Consequently, I will not be attending the annual gathering. If a member wishes to organize the meeting, I will be happy to arrange turning over the keys to the church and meeting room. Take note that we are scheduled to use the Baptist Church meeting room from 6 PM to about 8:30 PM on Tuesday, December 7. The meeting room will not be available at other times. The keys are needed to unlock and relock the church doors and the storage cabinet we have in the corner of the meeting room.
I think the best way to go forward this month is to assume that the December meeting is cancelled unless someone steps forward to organize the meeting and informs the members via email of the arrangements.
Regrettably, we again find ourselves in the position of cancelling a meeting. Many of us are vulnerable or have family members who are vulnerable. Even with vaccinations, if someone gets a mild case of covid, the disease easily can be spread to other family members. I suspect this is why people are reluctant to take the chance of getting covid and then missing Christmas with loved ones.
- News
MJ has heard from Keith Greatham’s son that Keith fell in October and boke a hip. Other health problems developed. Keith will not be returning to his home. Instead, he will be moving to a care facility. He told his son to give his rocks and equipment to the Club. At this point we don’t have any idea how much rock and equipment we are talking about, how we would move it, and where we would store it. Hopefully MJ can make contact with Keith’s son to find out. We all wish Keith a speedy recovery from his many ills. People who have been with the club for some years will remember Keith being knocked down by injuries or health conditions before, but he has always rebounded.
Membership. Some of you have asked about membership dues for 2021 and 2022. As we did in 2020, we are waiving dues for current members of the club and any new members at this time. If you were a member in 2019, you are still considered a member. If you are a new member, Welcome, and we will again ask for future dues payment when we can meet on a regular basis.
MJ has indicated that he may be giving up his posts as secretary and treasurer of the Club and moving out of the area. Nothing is certain yet, but if he does leave the area, there will be Club owned rocks to move out of his back yard. We may also be looking for people to fill the secretary and treasurer positions. MJ and Jackie have been wonderful, long-standing members of the Club. If they do move, we will miss them, and if they stay in the area we will treasure their continued friendship and contributions to our organization.
January meeting. We are scheduled to meet at 7 PM on Tuesday January 4, 2022. At this point we have no idea whether or not we will meet. Please stay tuned.
- We live in a time that seems to have a continuing string of disappointments and turmoil. Separations from family and friends due to the threats of disease weigh heavy on many of us. Nonetheless, I hope there are better times ahead for each and every one of you. This holiday season, as we approach the darkest evening of the year, I hope that all of you are able to gather with dear friends and family and to celebrate being together, to laugh, to warmly reminisce, to find joy, and to discover renewed hope that as winter passes into spring there will be brighter, sunnier, and healthier days ahead.