Call to order:
A meeting of Washington Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS) was held at First Baptist Church of Lacey on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Attendees: See sign-in sheet
Agenda: expectations for the future of the club, website goals, Tenino rock show, show and tell, break, program topic- quartz
Unfinished business:
- Consolidating the club’s rock to one location before the end of May. Keith Greatham’s son would like their rocks moved, so we have to set a date to do it and find volunteers to help, tentatively May 21st.
- Make a club kiosk/event flyer for the Bonney Lake show which will advertise our Tenino rock show.
- We will not be participating in the Bonney Lake show this year.
New business:
- Gretchen and Becky are working together to improve, update, clean-up content and more on the WAMS website. Some ideas include creating a WAMS Facebook group and Instagram account. The idea of paying to have a club domain name for the website came up, for instance,
- Designing a club logo, maybe a contest? Come up with ideas and select the best one.
- Would like to have more youth involvement in the club, how to attract younger people to attend meetings, field trips, etc.
Show and Tell: show and tell began at 7:40 PM. Those who contributed: Bryan (jade carvings), Jim (background of jade carvings), Steve (interesting agate from Nuremberg, Germany brought to the US by soldiers during WWII), Jerry (opal), Kathy (remarkable story about a rock she found. I can’t remember it), Lisa (coral jewelry), Becky (beach finds and making cabs), Jack (new member, found petrified wood), Wendi (spring trip to the beach), and Doug (cabochons).
- No Bonney Lake booth this year.
- Bryan Tallman has offered to allow a couple people at a time to visit his home to use his lapidary equipment.
Report: Treasury notes- ? Club equipment status and treasury funds. I don’t have this information.
Program: Bryan displayed a wide variety of quartz and discussed the differences between them.