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Home » Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2022

Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2022

Call to order: A meeting of Washington Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS) was held at First Baptist Church of Lacey on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

Attendees:   23 people attended the meeting. Many new faces. Need contact information from everyone to relay important club news.     

Members not in attendance: Vice President, Steve Conjulusa

Agenda: The agenda was not stated as it usually is done, more of a casual start to the meeting. We did show and tell first then business, instead of business first then show and tell.

Unfinished business:

Moving rocks from A.J.’S house to the new location for storage. This could happen before the July show or at the time of the show, TBD.

New business:

  • Gretchen and Becky are working to update the new WAMS website.
  • Suggestions for a club logo will be submitted at next meeting July 5th.
  • Dan Deboer went over the Tenino show dates and asked for volunteers, at least two for each day of the event and more if possible for the setup on Thursday the 21st of July and the tear down on Sunday the 24th. We decided to have the pot luck dinner as usual for Thursday although there will not be a way to refrigerate of heat the food this year.
  • We will need a few volunteers to help build the shed at the new rock storage site after it is purchased.
  • The club will be purchasing a new shed to store equipment and supplies in at the farm. We will also be purchasing new shelters or canopies for our booth at shows.

Show and Tell:

  • Bryan brought beautiful serpentine rough and spheres
  • Cassandra and her daughter brought in amazing spheres and stone bead bracelets
  • Jim had specimens of feldspar from Pikes Peak Colorado
  • Jerry showed crab fossils in concretions from the Lincoln formation
  • Gretchen had small slabs and some flats that she tried polishing but was unsuccessful.
  • Becky showed some geodes from around the Dugway area in western Utah and talked about her exciting impromptu rock hounding adventure.
  • Emery and her Mom talked about crystals they unexpectedly found in a store
  • Doug brought two hearts he made from Biggs jasper
  • Kathleen shared fossilized or agatized coral from Florida
  • Bob found a mysterious rock with golden like agate
  • Brandon shred some petrified wood discovered in the local Deschutes River.
  • Tina or Lisa (did not get the name, but was with Brandon) also shared some Deschutes river finds.

Raffle: many prizes given away

Announcements: Bryan announced a few upcoming shows:

  • The Shelton tailgate, Start Date: 8/20/2022 End Date: 8/20/2022
  • Cascade gem and mineral show, Start Date: 8/20/2022 End Date: 8/21/2022

Program: Bryan discussed the geology the many varieties of feldspar, Feldspar is the name of a large group of rock-forming silicate minerals that make up over 50% of Earth’s crust. They are found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks in all parts of the world.

Approval of minutes: Doug Shank, Secretary

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