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Home » WAMS Meeting Minutes – July 5, 2022

WAMS Meeting Minutes – July 5, 2022

Call to order: A meeting of Washington Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS) was held at First Baptist Church of Lacey on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

Attendees:  14 people including 2 new members

Agenda: Announcements, Old business, new business, show and tell, break, program

Unfinished business:

Dan Deboer talked about the Tenino, Pioneer Days, event: set-up is on Thursday the 21st of July (8:00- 5:00), WAMS booth will be open from 9:00 – 6:00 Friday and Saturday, and 9:00 – 5:00 on Sunday. Volunteers for set-up and to help run the booth are very much appreciated; the event would not happen without volunteers. There is a pot luck dinner for set-up day to help feed the volunteers and vendors. This year there is no electricity for refrigerators or ovens to cool and heat the food, so plan to bring food that does not need either of those.

The consolidation of club rocks to the farm: rocks still needing to be moved include MJ’S rocks, Charley’s, Dan’s, and Bob and Cathy’s. All rocks will be consolidated at the farm after the Tenino show. All club supplies will be stored at the farm in the new shed.

The club bought a shed will need to be picked up from Home Depot and taken to the farm to be built, that means we need people to help build it. Date and time TBD.

New business:

Gretchen and Becky are continuing to update the new WAMS website. The new domain has been purchased,

We need a club logo. There is a contest for best idea and the winner should be announced by the meeting in September. Email your ideas to Gretchen.

August meeting will be the annual club picnic held at the Rose garden Gazebo at Squaxin, formerly Priest Point Park, August 2nd from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Brings rocks for a rock swap and or buy and sell, and show and tell.

Announcements for upcoming shows:

Shelton tail gate: Start Date: 8/20/2022, End Date: 8/20/2022, Hours: 9:00 – 5:00, Address:

2100 E Johns Prairie Road Mason County Recreation Area Shelton, WA

“Pre-estate sale” : Friday August 5 & Saturday August 6, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM both days

12224 42nd Ave. NE Marysville, WA 98271 (cash only!)

Lewis County Rock and Gem Club will host an exhibit at the Lewis County Fair.

Show and Tell:

Jerry- agates found at Crystal Mountain and how to find them.

Gretchen- Blue Aragonite, Desert Rose Selenite and citrine crystal

Becky- Brought in a sample of a water pipe Calistoga, CA that was clogged with crystals from the minerals in the water showing that crystals can form quickly rather than over thousands of years.

Emery, daughter of Britney (junior rockhound) – geode from lava.

Bryan- small sample of GOLD! Funny display of coprolite in a chocolate box. Large display piece of petrified wood and a complete crinoid’s fossil. Discussed the Diatomaceous earth and where it is mined in Washington. 




Jim Pruske gave an in-depth lecture on fossils from southwestern Washington with many fine examples. He brought in several books and mentioned others specifically written about western Washington fossils. He shared his vast knowledge and personal experiences in collecting and photographing fossils.

                                              MEETING ADJORNED AT 9:05 PM

Approval of minutes:            Douglas Shank, Secretary

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