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Home » WAMS Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2023

WAMS Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2023

A meeting of Washington Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS) was held at First Baptist Church of Lacey on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Call to order: Doug Shank called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM

Attendees: 16 in attendance

Announcements, Old business, new business, show and tell, break, program

  1. The new WAMS website,, is now public and active, and the old website will soon be taken down from the internet.
  2. Tenino show chairman, Dan, briefed updates from the Tenino Chamber of Commerce and Oregon Trail Days (OTD) 2023. The Quarry House will be open for use this year, and the pool should be open as well.

Old business:
New business:

  1. Officer elections were held and Jim Sachet was voted in as President and Audrey Forcier as Vice President.
  2. The debate over moving club meetings to the Olympia Center downtown is still under consideration. Board members would like feedback from all club members on which location they prefer the most, the downtown Olympia Center or the current Baptist church in Lacey?

Show and Tell:
Jerry- had some old Biggs jasper samples and told the story of how and where it was mined. He also showed us his intarsia projects.
Jim P. – Shared a book about the English geologist William ‘Strata’ Smith credited with creating the first detailed, nationwide geological map of any country.
Wendi- an interesting green rock with a great story behind it made into a pendant.
Sandy- stalactite from California, amber, and a thunderegg with a white pliable center.
Gretchen- Combarbalá stone carved into small dishes or ladles. A facetted stone she made herself. Also, a Milagros jasper.
Doug- petrified wood samples from WA and OR.
Becky- handmade jewelry from her own cabochons.
Emery- thunderegg that was given to her that looked very much like a turtle.
Jim S.- maps and fossils from the Green river formation national park and Fossil butte, WY.


Treasurer Report: Nothing to report

Program: no program tonight

Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM

Approval of minutes: Douglas Shank, Secretary

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