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Home » WAMS Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2023

WAMS Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2023

A meeting of Washington Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS) was held at First Baptist Church of Lacey on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Call to order: President Jim Sachet called the meeting to order at 6:37 PM

Attendees:  About 35 in attendance, with special guests, Boy Scouts from Den 925 and their parents.

Agenda: Introductions, program, show & tell, break (silent auction), business

Introductions: the President stated the meeting agenda, and asked everyone to introduce themselves and to state their favorite rock of the week.

Program: Jerry Prescott gave a talk about rockhounding and gold panning in the local streams and rivers of western Washington. The rules or lack thereof in the past have changed dramatically today due to some people’s disregard for personal property and the habitat, and because of monetary value of material collected. Let’s just say, the amount of material a person can take from the land and where people can gain access is more controlled and for good reasons. However, some of the off limit locations can still be accessed with permission from the land owners. Be sure you know what private property is and what is BLM land before you go looking, because you could receive a very hefty fine.

Show and Tell:

Jerry- examples of slabs of Biggs jasper, pinolith, and opal he turned into jewelry.

Jim- crab fossil concretions

Rachel- mentioned a good location to take the family rockhounding is 1st (first) creek near Ellensburg, WA. She had two examples of colorful jasper with drusy she found there. 

Gretchen- several cabochons she made and turned into jewelry

Kristina K- mentioned another location that is family friendly for rock hunting, Red Top, WA. She had two specimens of agate with crystal pockets she had collected there.

Britni- a large waterline agate that had been passed down to her from her great, great Grandfather

Wyatt- a bunch of rocks from his Grandmother’s collection; Brazilian opal, carnelian, and others

Raffle: we need giveaway rocks or gifts for the raffle

Break and silent auction: we need rocks or gifts for the silent auction


Coordination for the Lacey Fun Fair May 20-21.

  1. Request for volunteers for set up on the 19th, and to help work the booth on Saturday and Sunday and tear down.
  2. We need a banner for the booth, (Neil or Becky)?
  3. Things to bring:
  4. Rock samples: garnet, jasper, petrified wood, crystals, local to Washington rocks, polished stones
  5. Spinning wheel with giveaway rock
  6. WAMS flyers or business cards
  7. WAMS insignia rock, rock with motto

              Tenino rock show

  1. Better control of money and cash lock box
  2. Club member’s vendor space fee and help with club booth
  3. Club write up for the Tenino Chamber of Commerce to publish (Neil)
  4. Request volunteers for each day and for setup and tear down.
  5. Pricing of individual and buckets of rocks
  6. Sort, price, and clean work party
  1. Four club officers (to include the Secretary/Treasurer, Tenino Show Manager, President and Vice-President) are authorized to purchase rock at various shows, estate sales, personal sales, etc., for WAMS inventory and be reimbursed from the club treasury.  The limits set by the motion are: up to $250 per officer; and, no more than $500 total when multiple officers attend the same sale.  The motion carried by show of hands.
  • The search for an alternate location to hold the meetings, Lacey school, Olympia school. Britni is going to do some research at the schools.
  • Write check to the Tenino Chamber of Commerce for the OTD, Oregon Trail Days show, and add the Chamber to our insurance policy as a rider.
  • Add the President and Vice President to the club bank account

Treasurer Report: Nothing to report

Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM

Approval of minutes: Douglas Shank, Secretary

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