November Meeting
So many rocks! So little time!
So many rocks! So little time!
If you plan to rockhound anywhere near an area that is owned or managed by Washington State’s Dept of Fish & Wildlife, Dept of Natural Resources, or a state park, even just using the roads of that particular property to get to another place, be prepared to show your Discover Pass, or get fined $99.
I was unable to attend the October meeting, but was fortunate to get an update from my good friend Jerry.
There was a nice number of members attending with some great show and tell items as well as great tales of rockhounding adventures.
Picnic in the Park We had a great time at our annual picnic. There was plenty of good food, lots of great rocks for trading,… Read More »August Meeting.
WAMS just finished it’s 17th successful Rockshow in Tenino. Dan did a great job of lining up top notch dealers, and spending the time necessary… Read More »WAMS 17th Annual Rockshow!